Greetings, fellow wizards! With sincere thrilling I must inform you that what you heard through the grapevine is true:
STRIGA’s crowdfunding has officially started!
I talked a fair bit about STRIGA here and here, so today that my Exploration-focused, OSR-inspired, and heart-felt game is now on crowdfunding.
I hope you’ll check it out, and most importantly I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it.
You can find STRIGA’s Kickstarter right here.
“What’s behind that mountain in Zelda:BOTW? What lies deep in that Dwemer settlement in TES:Skyrim? What will Artyom find in the next station in METRO 2033’s book? What’s in the next layer in Made in Abyss? What’s that plague in that region of Elden Ring?”
This is the main reason I *consume* a lot of media that focuses on exploration. That sense of wonder of discovery, of delving down secluded areas where the light is dim and the ground is mossy.
This is the feeling I wanted to recreate when I imagined STRIGA.
The Spiral City is a long-forgotten place, where 70% of what you see hasn’t been touched by centuries, 30% is part of undiscovered civilizations and fauna, and 100% is highly dangerous and not to be messed with.
If you love all the examples I have quoted previously (like I do), then I think you will enjoy STRIGA.
If that’s the case, supporting the game’s crowdfunding would mean a lot to me, even just by sharing around the project, so thank you!
With that being said, stay tuned for updates on the game!
See you in the Spiral City!